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The Institute of Formation and Religious Studies commits to upholding and developing the following core values among the administrators, faculty, personnel, and students through its academic and non- academic activities.

Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation

  • ï‚· Engaging communities of people and creation through exposure programs;

  • ï‚· Awakening consciousness on the biblical meaning of justice, peace, and creation;

  • ï‚· Becoming aware of the socio-economic realities of peoples in the world, especially the poor sectors of society in Asia;

  • ï‚· Regaining one’s identity as children of the earth and being aware of the state of the environment and creation;

  • ï‚· Taking actions on behalf of justice, peace, and integrity of creation.


Community Spirit

  • Celebrating life as a community through liturgical and para-liturgical activities;

  • Doing community services as one IFRS community in solidarity with the poor;

  • Respecting differences while building on similarities;

  • Fostering Christian communities in and out of the Institute and building Christian relationships among men and women congregations and institutes, religious and lay, ethnic groups and nations, Christians and other believers.


Participatory Leadership

  • Forming each student, program participant, and personnel to become a leader;

  • Participating actively in classroom work, student activities, institutional affairs, and community services;

  • Facilitating liturgies, programs, conferences, integration days in teams;

  • Developing activities and programs that respond to local, national and global issues;

  • Networking with other like-minded cause-oriented organizations, as well as government and non-government organizations.


Empowerment of women and men

  • Forming one’s self-identity and actualizing intellectual and spiritual talents and gifts;

  • Promoting scholarly research toward the graduate degree;

  • Learning from one another’s cultures and religious traditions;

  • Articulating one’s ideas and concepts as a contribution to the community and society;

  • Developing the spirit of solidarity between women and men to counteract division, competition,

  • Forming one’s self-identity and actualizing intellectual and spiritual talents and gifts;and powerlessness over and against patriarchy.

  • Promoting scholarly research toward the graduate degree;

  • Learning from one another’s cultures and religious traditions;

  • Articulating one’s ideas and concepts as a contribution to the community and society;

  • Developing the spirit of solidarity between women and men to counteract division, competition, and powerlessness over and against patriarchy.

Prophetic Dialogue

  • Growing in the prophetic characteristics embodied by Jesus and the prophets of different religious traditions;

  • Enabling persons to express their ideas, beliefs, and convictions;

  • Fostering dialogue and intercultural living;

  • Listening to one another’s experiences and theological reflections;

  • Making decisions through consensus;

  • Developing a social conscience, and taking stance in local, national, and global issues.



To produce graduates bearing the values and attributes founded on the following foundational characteristics of IFRS formation and education:


Rooted in Philippine, Asian and developing countries’ realities in order to gain a deeper understanding of the religious, cultural, social, economic, political and environmental contexts that the Gospel might be brought to bear as a historical force for the transformation of society.


Incorporates the perspectives of women, indigenous peoples, and other marginalized sectors, the insights of other religious traditions, and spiritualities, and the concern for the integrity of creation.


Guided by scriptural, theological, and pastoral reflections rooted in human experience and contemporary issues; cognizant that justice, peace and ecological concerns are essentially related to the Gospel message and that genuine Christian formation can only happen in a community setting.


Responsive to the call of the Spirit and the signs of the times which demand the transformation of individuals, relationships, communities, institutions and structures so that “all may have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

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