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IFRS Research

In line with the vision and mission of IFRS as an inter-congregational institute committed to a contextual, transformational, integrated, and inclusive formation and education, a research program for faculty shall be developed that promotes the biblical imperatives of love, truth, justice, peace.  IFRS encourages faculty members to engage in innovative and pioneering research that promotes authentic Christian witness, prophetic, compassionate, and transformative ministry in the today's world.


IFRS maintains the multidisciplinary character of its research program which addresses the need of faculty members to explore the richness of contextualized theologies and biblical and feminist studies as inter-disciplinary field. More than an academic institute, IFRS believes that research on the different notions and practice of theology offers enriched understanding of people's experiences.

IFRS maintains the multidisciplinary character of its research program which addresses the need of faculty members to explore the richness of contextualized theologies and biblical and feminist studies as inter-disciplinary field. More than an academic institute, IFRS believes that research on the different notions and practice of theology offers enriched understanding of people's experiences.

IFRS shall organize timely skills training on research methodology for faculty members especially those who are doing research.


IFRS shall support and give priority to researches in the following areas: scriptural exploration, religion, spirituality, women, religious life, catechetics, and the burning social issues of our time.


In line with the IFRS’ commitment to a formation-education that enables the development of the whole person toward authenticity of “self”, an institutional research program is shaped to facilitate the research engagement of faculty, students, and staff. Research work will employ critical reflection on faith-life experiences and develop
insights and skills necessary for creative and transformative ministries.

The research program upholds the Vision-Mission of IFRS by creating opportunities for acquiring adeptness in writing and doing research among faculty members, students, staff, and alumni. This is carried out through:

● publication of articles or papers from faculty members, M.A. students, alumni, and personnel in the institute’s theological journal, Himig Ugnayan;

● assistance and coordination in teaching Research and Writing Courses;

● organization of skill formation and skill enhancement seminars and/or workshops concerning research;

● assessment of research proposals on collaborative projects and recommendation to the approving committee for funding and publication; and

● coordination with the library in initiating agreements for journal exchange.

Eligibility: Who can apply for a research grant?

IFRS welcomes proposals for research grant applications from IFRS faculty with the following basic qualifications:

● Must have experience or involvement in research work

● Must have at least an MA degree and significant training and relevant experience in teaching or its equivalent, proper to the field of specialization and in relation to the chosen research topic/study.

● Must have verifiable character and professional references.

N.B. IFRS does not fund research projects for academic completion.

Research Grant Application Form

Application Date:


First Name:


Telephone Number:

Project Title:

Last Name:

Email Address:

Description of the Project (Maximum of 100 Words)

Proposed Start Date:

Proposed End Date:

Estimated Amount of Project (PHP):

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The IFRS Research Program shall support and give priority to researches that deal with topics in scriptures, theology, spirituality, and women and gender studies and with emphasis on inculturation, prophetic dialogue, and creative and transformative ministries.

In keeping with the core values of the institute and its commitment towards a contextual, inclusive, integrated, and transformational education-formation, the IFRS Research Program advances research projects that 1) take the Asian and the Third World situation as its context and 2) provide insights into justice, peace, integrity of creation,
and empowerment of the poor and marginalized.

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