Fr. Edward Luc Mees, MDJ
Doctor in Missiology, Katholieke, Universität Nijmegen, Netherlands
Contact Info
Institute of Formation and Religious Studies
Tel. No. 8724-7173 local 103.
Area of Interest
Theology of the Bible (OT and NT), esp. Bible and Mission
Theology of liberation / Third World theologies
Religious pluralism and interreligious dialogue
Mission and inculturation / interculturality
Mission in changing contexts
Theology of liberation / Third World theologies
Phenomenology of religion / Comparative religion
Primal religion and popular religion
World Religions
Theology of Mission
Interreligious Studies with Introduction to World Religions
Introduction to Theology of Religions w/ Principles of Interreligious Dialogue
Bacc.Phil.- Philosophicum CICM – Leuven (Louvain), Belgium
STB –Theologicum CICM – Leuven
STL – Licentiate in Theology (Biblical theology) – Facultés
Catholiques de Lyon - France
Drs.Miss – Doctorandus in Missiology (Section World Religions) – Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen - Netherlands
Research and Publication
-La résurrection des morts selon Saint Paul. Dissertation de Licence. (Unpublished STL thesis) Lyon (France): Facultés Catholiques de Lyon, Faculté de Théologie, 1967.
-Het Debat rond “Christianity in World History” van Dr. A. Th. van Leeuwen. Doctoraal-scriptie missiologie. (Unpublished Doctorandus thesis in missiology)
Nijmegen (Netherlands): Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen (KUN) [now Radboud University], 1971.
Published Articles:
-“Towards an Integrated Missionary Spirituality”. Euntes Digest 24 (1991) 4: 221-233.
-“Vers une spiritualité missionnaire intégrée”. Eglise et mission Nº 271 (Sept. 1993) = 73 (1993) 3: 45-57.
-“Ontwaken en waken bij de eigenheid van de missionaris. Overpeinzingen vanuit Latijns Amerika”. Wereld en Zending [Ecumenical journal of Missiology – The Netherlands] 22 (1993) 3: 12-22.
-“The CICM Guidelines for Mission: Genesis, Contents and Purpose”. Euntes Studies N° 31 (Sept. 1997): 15-23.
-“Ongoing Formation for Mission”. UISG Bulletin [International Union of Superiors General, Roma] Nº 107 – 1998, pp. 40-44. (Published in 6 languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, German and Dutch).
Spanish: “Formación permanente y misión.” (pp. 40-44)
French: “Formation permanente et mission (40-44)
Italian: “Formazione permanente e missione.” (40-44)
German: “Weiterbildung für die Mission.” (40-44)
Dutch: “Voortgezette vorming voor zending.” (44-48)
– English text reprinted in:
-“Ongoing Formation for Mission”. InFormation [Newsletter of the Religious Formation Conference, USA] January-February-March 2002 issue.
-“Interreligious Dialogue in the Process of Formation. A Response to the Lecture” [of Cardinal Arinze], in L. N. Mercado, ed. Conversations in Manila: Talks on Peace and Harmony Through Dialogue. Manila: CBCP, 2002, pp. 56-58.
-Book review article: “Encounters with the Word: Essays to Honour Aloysius Pieris, S.J.” East Asian Pastoral Review Vol. 42 (2005) 4: 402-414.
-“The Kenosis of the Missionary: Some Thoughts on Religious Vows and Mission.”
Published in: Mission Update (United States Catholic Mission Association) Vol.16, Issue 1, Spring 2007 (Periodic Paper #1), pp.7-13, and East Asian Pastoral Review Vol. 44 (2007) 3: 238-248. — Reprinted in Omnis Terra (P.U.M., Rome):
English: “The kenosis of the missionary: some thoughts on religious vows and mission.” 52 (2008) No 388 (June): 239-246.
Spanish: “La kenosis del misionero: reflexiones sobre los votos religiosos y la misión.” 40 (2008) No 381 (junio): 240-247.
Italian: “La kenosis del missionario: alcune riflessioni sui voti religiosi e la missione.” 26 (2008) No 96 (luglio-settiembre): 165-172.
French: “La kénose du missionnaire: quelques réflexions sur voeux religieux et mission.” 59 (2008) No 443 (juin): 241-248.
–“Mission Today: to Follow Jesus to Galilee.” Himig Ugnayan – A Theological Journal of the Institute of Formation and Religious Studies (IFRS) – Vol. XV, AY 2014-2015: 1-22.
Articles published in Chronica (Congregational Bulletin of the C.I.C.M.- Scheut Missionaries, published separately in English and in French –CICM Generalate, Rome):
-1994/1, pp. 3-6: “Do We Need a Mission Statement?” – “Avons-nous besoin d’une déclaration missionnaire?”
-1994/4, pp. 113-117: “Mission in the World Today”. – “La mission dans le monded’aujourd’hui.”
-1995/6, pp. 173-176: “Formation for Mission”. – “Former pour la mission.”
-1996/6, pp. 189-194: “Missionary Project: A Way of Creative Fidelity to Our Charism”.
–“Le projet missionnaire: expression d’une fidélité créatrice à notre charisme.”
-1996/9, pp. 305-309: “Choosing the Worst Part - Some Thoughts on Religious Vows and Mission.” (I). – “Opter pour le pire: Quelques réflexions sur les voeux et la mission.” (I)
-1997/1, pp. 3-7: “Missionary Kenosis - Some Thoughts on Religious Vows and Mission.” (II). – “La kénose du missionnaire - Quelques réflexions sur les voeux et la mission.” (II)
-1997/5, pp. 179-183: “Ongoing Formation for Mission”. – “Formation permanente et mission.”
-1998/2 & 3: “From Sussundenga to Thohoyandou: A Fact-finding Visit to Mozambique and South-Africa.” (Parts 1 & 2) (8 pp.)
Unpublished papers / conferences:
-A la recherche d’une spiritualité missionnaire appropriée à des situations de conflit. Port-au-Prince (Haiti), 1989. 33 pp.
-Globalization and Mission. Rome, 1996. 19 pp.
-Mission et inculturation. SPC Generalate, Rome, 1997. 19 pp.
-Mission Today. Quezon City, 2000. 15 pp.
-Some Elements of the Current Thinking on Mission. Rome, 1997. Revised: 2002. 17 pp.
-Mission: Vision, Trends, Challenges. Quezon City, 2003. 17 pp.
-Entering a New Culture. Quezon City, 2003. 10 pp.
-Understanding Religious Pluralism. IFRS, Quezon City, 2003. 13 pp.
-Emerging Issues in Mission: Signposts on the Road Map. EAPI, Q.C., 2003. 23 pp.
-Community and Mission. Quezon City, 2004. 9 pp.
-The “Priestly Prayer” (John 17). Antipolo City, 2007. 5 pp.
-Vows and Mission. Antipolo City, 2005. Revised 2009. 2015. 17 pp.
-Deepening our Call to Mission. Notes of conferences of the MJ Retreat, Los Angeles, CA, June 6-9, 2010. 15 pp.
-Frontiers of Mission Today—Where Do We Go From Here? Keynote Address – ICM Mission Forum (Centennial Celebration) – Quezon City, Oct. 9, 2010. 12 pp.
-Rekindling the Fire for Mission. SSpS Retreat notes. – Tagaytay, April 2011. 60 pp.
-Mission Towards the Future. MSC General Assembly – Q.C., April 27, 2011. 11 pp.
-Preparing for Mission. Conference notes for CSsR students – Davao, June 14-17, 2011.
-Vatican II and the Mission of the Church. Notes of a Module in EAPI, June 22, 2011.
-Mission in the Manner of Jesus. Conference to the Camillian college students (MI), Marikina, June 29, 2011. 12 pp.
-The Challenges of Mission Today. Conference to Camillian missionaries (MI), Marikina, Oct. 1 & 4, 2011. 15 pp. ¬– Rev. Oct. 19 for a study session in Tagaytay of Columban Lay Missionaries (CLM).
-Spirituality for Mission. Notes of a talk to missionaries preparing for first departure. SSpS Retreat House, Q.C., October 17, 2011. 14 pp.
-Passion for Mission. Notes of 3 Conferences in preparation of the SSpS Centennial – SSpS Provincialate. Oct. 28, Nov. 18 and Dec. 16, 2011.