The Faculty of IFRS is composed of Catholic Christian and Protestant Christian women and men, religious and lay, who have either a Doctoral or master's Degree in different academic disciplines. Faculty who teach in the graduate level are expected to have a doctoral degree.
Steadfastly, the Faculty empowers the students to think critically by training them to be attentive to what is going forward in history, particularly in their own local socio-cultural and religious contexts. IFRS Faculty is known for the personal attention they pay to the individual needs of the students. They mentor, challenge, and inspire students to become effective witnesses and proclaimers of the Biblical imperatives of love, truth, justice, peace, and integrity of creation.
IFRS respects plurality in methodology. Faculty members are given the prerogative in choosing the most effective way to communicate course content to the students. However, they are aware and informed of the interrelatedness of the varied inputs that make up the curriculum, paving the way to the integration of methodologies. They cover interdisciplinary, interreligious, and intercultural course materials, and employ gender and ecology-sensitive approaches.
Faculty members accept and promote the vision-mission, policies, distinctive features, and core values of IFRS which mandate above all that they live out a commitment to Christ in both belief and practice. They are expected to foster the evangelization thrust and communitarian spirit of IFRS while upholding high academic and professional standards, which include relating harmoniously with other faith traditions and with all of God’s creation.
The deep commitment and dedication of the faculty members to the Institute’s formation and educational apostolate, coupled with their remarkable expertise, promote the Institute’s pledge of a contextual, integrated, inclusive, and transformational education and formation.
Faculty members are expected to be attentive to and abide with the policies of the Institute as stated in the Faculty Handbook.